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Required Documents:


  •  SAPS FORM 520 - Importation of Rifles , click on the PDF link 

  • CUSTOMS FORM 4457 - Exportation of Rifles. You will need to go to a US Customs Office to receive a CUSTOMS FORM 4457. To be completed by the hunter BEFORE going on the trip - not on the day of departure. Customs Service has offices at any large international airport.

  •  Letter of Invitation from the Outfitter - This letter will be valid once the Safari has been booked officially

  •  PASSPORT - check your passport and Visa expiration dates

  •  RETURN FLIGHT TICKETS to your country of origin, or a copy of your itinerary

  • Please ensure that your gun is packed in a crash resistant plastic or metal case that locks. To ensure 100% compliance, confirm with your airline for their policies on guns and ammunitio

  • SAPS FORM 520

  • After arrival in South Africa, you will repossess your rifle at the South African Police Service, Firearm Control Office. By registering your firearm with a SAPS FORM 520. This will provide you with a temporary import permit. Keep this permit in a safe place. The hunter must NOT sign this document at home, but rather in the presence of a police officer at the arrival airport. In order to guarantee a hassle free trip with regards to any type of travel documentation, please feel free to contact us.


  • Please ensure that your passport is valid. It must be valid for at least  6 months after the date of return to your country. NB! - YOUR PASSPORT MUST HAVE AT LEAST 2 BLANK PAGES FOR YOUR VISA STAMPS. For your own safety, please make a copy of your passport and keep it separately from your passport. Citizens from the US, Canada, UK, France, Germany and Spain do not require a Visa.

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